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Why pay from pocket, when insurance covers you for in-home care?
Did you know Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) provides in-home care in certain cases if you qualify?
We have some great write-up on how to find in-home care and checking for insurance coverage for in-home care incase of personal injury.
We always recommend that a family first checks if they qualify to receive in-home care at no additional cost. At times, a family only qualifies for a limited time of in-home care from OHIP and insurance but they still need extra hours of in-home care. If a family is already receiving certain in-home care hours from Home and Community Care Central LHIN ( and for any additional hours of in-home care from Universal Health Hub, the family is tax exempt. i.e. Universal Health Hub (UHH) would not apply HST on the invoice.
If you or your family is in desperate need of in-home care, we recommend that you check with your family physician for prescription.
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